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Conkers activities

  • Learning to write.

    Conker Class have been learning to use sounds to write words.

  • Jackson Pollock

    Conker Class have been finding out about a famous artist. They explored using different lines and marks using charcoal and…

  • Pre school

    This week we went to visit pre school. We had great fun doing all the different harvest activities.

  • A walk a day

    Everyday we put our welly boots on and go for a walk around the playing field during afternoon play. Today…

  • Families

    Today we listened to the Stick Man story. We talked about our families and found out they were all different.…

  • Vegetable research!

    Today we investigated what was inside the vegetables that Mrs Symonds had grown in her garden. We have been looking…

  • Learning about shape

    Conker Class have been looking at and finding out about shapes. We are beginning to describe shapes. We loved playing…

  • We’e going on a bear hunt.

    Today Conker Class went on a bear hunt. We are getting really good at telling the story.

  • Flat bread and salsa dip.

    Conker Class tried another type of bread. They made flat bread and salsa dip with garden vegetables. They learnt how…

  • French in Conker Class.

    Today we learnt to say some words in French. We found out how to say hello and goodbye, how to…