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National Curriculum

Since September 2014 we have been following the ‘new’ National Curriculum which covers these subjects:

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • History
  • Geography
  • Music
  • Physical Education
  • Art and Design
  • Music
  • Computing
  • Languages (KS2)- French

In addition we teach PSHE and Religious Education

This version of the national curriculum for England has been statutory in all maintained schools since September 2014 and our children have sat the statutory tests for this since their introduction in 2016.

English skills are taught in specific lessons but are also regarded as an integral part of other lessons. There is a strong emphasis on spelling, grammar and comprehension skills as well as a focus on poetry and performance. Regular phonics lessons, based on the Letters and Sounds materials form part of the KS1 curriculum, although this may be extended for individual pupils if necessary as they move into KS2.

Mathematics is generally taught as a discrete subject on a daily basis. The National Curriculum now has higher expectations of younger children especially in learning times tables and in the understanding of fractions.

The foundation subjects and science are mostly taught through our Integrated Curriculum, a themed approach for each half term which is cross-curricular. All classes, or groups of classes, follow a rolling programme which balances the different subject areas across a 2 or 3 year cycle.

Occasionally we have special days including World Book Day in March to keep the children’s learning experience fresh and relevant.

If you’d like more information about the national curriculum contact the school or visit the following website: