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Newsletter 24

Newsletter 24
April 7, 2017 Sandy Pike

Dear All

Our recent assemblies have seen Bronze certificates go to David, Silvers to Darren, Robert, Keanu, Alanah, Eden (Y3), William, Ellie-Tailor, Joel, and Sam with Golds to Martha, Corleigh and Eden (Y5). There were 100% attendance certificates for 21 children (about ¼ of the school – not bad for a long Spring term which has had its fair share of ‘bugs’.) Stars of the Week have been Esme, Annie, Poppy and Katie. Silver Reading Certificates have been earned by Ollie, Ashleigh, Joel, Johnny and James, with ‘Super Spelling’ going to Tristan, Jasper and Jessica. From out of school, Summer shared her Level 5 swimming award and Annie her cheerleader trophy.

Cycling. Well done and thank you to everyone who supported our participation in the ‘Big Pedal’ last week. We were placed at 154 in the small primary school category with 10.75% of journeys made by bike. Considering we are not in the best position to cycle to, compared with more urban schools with dedicated cycleways and more children living closer to the school, I think we should be pleased with this. Many parents obviously enjoyed the challenge, and children were proud to say that they took part.

At least 24 children took part – very similar to last year when the event was a month later. Several children cycled on all 5 days, and the bike shelter was overflowing on every day. Please continue to cycle in when you can: Let’s hope for a warm, dry Summer Term!

The Bikeability Level 1 course held during the week was a success with all 11 children passing. There will be a Level 2 course in the second half of next term. For the third year running, all of our Year 6 leavers buy xanax mastercard will have at least Bikeability Level 1: An achievement which I suspect few schools could match.

Swimarathon. Thanks go to Mrs Carter for entering and organising a team. On Saturday 1st April, Rose, Emilie, Rosie, Henry, Alfie and Lucy raised about £200 by completing over 60 laps between them – that’s 3km of swimming. Any outstanding (or extra) sponsorship monies gratefully received!

The PTFA Spring Ball was a clear success, raising an amazing £1400! Many thanks to everyone who attended and to the PTFA organisers, a special thank you to Mrs Heasman.

Clubs: After the Easter break, Mr. Boden will be running an after school Rubik’s Cube Club. The children will develop spatial awareness and learn the techniques and steps to fully solve the cube! (Apparently it’s not OK to peel the stickers off and put them back in the desired pattern) Along the way, they’ll need to double-check their work and help each other out. Sounds fascinating and challenging!

The club will take place until 4:30 on Thursdays and run for five weeks starting on April 27th. The club will cost £20 for the five week course and everyone will receive their own Rubik’s Cube. This will need to be paid in advance and all profits will go to the School. Please note, on this occasion the club is only open to KS2 pupils and places will be limited to 15, so if you’re interested please respond by April 25th using the reply slip attached.




End of term Today! Have a good Easter!
Start of Summer Term Monday 24th April See you then.
Bags 2 School Collection early on Wednesday 26th April Please check what is and isn’t allowed in the bags.
Bank Holiday Monday 1st May Don’t come to school – there won’t be anyone here!
SATs For Year 6. Eeek! Week beginning 8th May  


Best Wishes,

A Covell