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Newsletter 24th March 2023

Newsletter 24th March 2023
April 21, 2023 Sandy Pike

Dear Parents and Carers,
This week has seen lots of lovely learning across the school, including a poetry recital. Read on to find out

Poetry Recital
Children in Key Stage 2 were asked to learn and recite a poem, and what a wonderful variety of original
poetry we had. Key Stage 1 and EYFS joined forces to learn and recite an Earth Poem, which they performed
beautifully to all.

Parent Meetings
Please look out for your confirmation slips coming home in book bags, for next week’s parent meetings.

You will have noticed a skip has been delivered! If there are any volunteers who would be willing to come in
and help clear, both the cellar and the area at the back of the outdoor classrooms, I will be starting to clear
these areas next week on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 2.30 – 3.15pm – any help would be gratefully

Mid-day Supervisor Position
After several years as mid-day supervisor, setting up our lunch hall, serving and clearing, Mrs Budden is sadly
leaving. If there is anyone who would be interested in working 11-30am – 1pm daily in this paid position, do
please get in touch!

Sports Clubs
Just a reminder that this was the last week for our after school sports clubs i.e. football and hockey. New
sporting clubs will start for the summer term. Further details will be sent in due course.
After School Club – 31st March 2023
Please note there will be no After School Club on 31st March 2023, which is our last day of term.

Class News
Oak Class
This week has been a glorious mixture of a wide variety of subjects. Year 6 have done all of the 2019 SATs
and year 5 have done all their NFER tests too. We have completed our stelae as well as researched the
modern Maya. Next week, we are looking forward to finishing our PSHE, history and computing topics, (not
to mention trying out American foods, dressing up and watching the Jungle Book film.) It will be a busy

Chestnut Class
The children have excitedly made a start on their D&T project, which is making a product with a pulley. Miss
Gale has been impressed with some children who have been independently evaluating and solving their
problems. English wise, pupils have been really engaged with the Earth poems and this has triggered a
group of Chestnuts taking responsibility for picking up litter at breaktime! In Maths Year 3’s have started
their measures unit on mass and capacity, while Year 4’s have finished off their fraction work.

Next week the children will be looking at the different parts of a flower in Science.
Beech Class
Beech Class have been focusing on measuring this week in Maths, with children using cubes and rulers to
accurately measure objects. In English, poems linked to the Earth have been studied, with children writing
their own poems based on the examples. During thematic learning linked to ‘Kings and Queens’ pupils have
learned about medieval banquets and have created their own menus – which have been quite varied!
Next week the children will be moving onto learning about

Hazel Class
This week children have been creating their own stories, based on ideas from Joe’s Extraordinary Garden.
There are some interesting reads! In Maths pupils have continued with their numbers to 10 and have been
introduced to 3-D shapes.

Hazel class have also explored rhythm and nursery rhymes, and in RE the children have been acting out the
Easter Story. Next week the children will be finishing their level 3 phonics journey and in Maths they will be
learning number bonds to 10.

Diary dates for the forthcoming week and beyond
27th Mar All day Wessex Water visitor in school working with classes
throughout the day
27th Mar Parent Meetings 5 – 7pm
28th Mar Parent Meetings 3.30 – 5.50pm
31st Mar 15.20 End of Term
1st May Bank holiday Monday
8th May Coronation bank holiday
21st July INSET DAY