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Newsletter 25th September 2020

Newsletter 25th September 2020
September 25, 2020 Sandy Pike

Dear Parents and Carers

Three weeks into the term and we are gradually becoming used to the new routines. The children have been brilliant at washing their hands, especially important as we seem to have been hit by the most rapidly-spreading cold I can remember. Do please keep reminding the children to try to keep their hands away from their faces, particularly eyes, mouths – and noses…

The arrival of this cold has, of course, hit our attendance figures this week. Please note that if your child has just a ‘normal’ cough or cold, so long as they are well enough, they should be fine to come to school. We are now told that anything over 37.6oC counts as a high temperature, so that is the measure we will use to ask you to keep all your household at home and try to access a Coronavirus test for the member with the temperature. The same rule applies to a new, continuous cough or a change in taste or smell. It goes without saying, though, that if your children are genuinely feeling unwell for any reason, they should not be brought to school.

We are, of course, extremely anxious to keep trying everything we can to reduce the chance of having to close a part or all of the school in the event of an outbreak. Consequently, although the weather is now definitely becoming colder, we will continue to open windows and doors to provide a flow of air through the classrooms. Do make sure your child wears plenty of layers to school and brings a warm coat for playtimes.

We held our regular Governors’ Meeting on Wednesday of this week, and I have been asked to thank you, the parents and carers, for your resilient and supportive attitude towards bringing the children to school each day. It is incredibly important to the children that they miss no more school than is absolutely necessary and I know that it has been difficult for many of you to get used to the new routines.

We are, though, making plans to ensure that, if we do have to close for any reason, remote learning can continue in an organized and consistent way. The government has funded a new learning platform for us to use with you, the children, the staff and even between schools, and this project is nearing completion for us. This will mean that, soon, the children will be able to log onto Microsoft Teams and access work in a dedicated and safe folder, complete the work and submit it for feedback from the teacher without anyone else seeing their completed work. This method is a significant step forward for us and we are all learning to use the system as quickly and effectively as possible. I am also hoping we will be able to use this platform for our parents’ evenings this term – more details and guidance to follow!

Without the usual face-to-face contact we usually have with you each day, it is difficult to keep the normal levels of dialogue going. Do, please, let us know if there is anything worrying your child, or you, and also if there is anything you think that is working particularly well. If you have any suggestions for how we are operating at the moment, I would be delighted to hear your thoughts, but please be aware that we are having to follow some extremely tight guidance, too.

I hope you all have a peaceful weekend.

With best wishes

James Stanford