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Newsletter 27

Newsletter 27
April 25, 2016 Sandy Pike

April 21st  2016

Dear All,

I need to start this week with a big well done to the PTFA and in particular Claire Heasman for organising such a fantastic Ball last weekend. All that attended had a brilliant time and enjoyed quality food and superb entertainment! The auction and the raffle raised a staggering amount of money and in all the evening helped raise an amazing £1292.50 for the school! This wouldn’t have been possible without all the kind donations for the raffle, auction and puddings! Thank you to all that supported this event. I can’t wait for the next one!

Another well done goes to Daniel Slade, Ella Clarke and Thea Primrose for representing themselves, the school and North Dorset Area so well at the Dorset Athletics Final. It is a fantastic achievement for three students from such a small school to compete in a county event representing over 120 schools. We are proud of you and so should you be!

We celebrated the Queen’s 90th Birthday by raising the Union Flag, that really is an achievement! Have a great weekend.

Kind regards

Martin Marshall

Hall of Fame! Certificate Winners

Our stars of the week generic xanax without insurance this week are Daniel (Conkers), Ellie C (Acorns), Adam (Chestnuts) and Charlotte (Oaks). Silver certificates were awarded to Fin, Adam, Hannah (Chestnuts). A Gold certificate was awarded to Ollie (Chestnuts). Our attendance award with 99% was awarded to Oaks, Conkers and Acorns. The spick and span award was awarded to Chestnuts. Freddie and Esme brought in medals they had received when they were skiing. Noah showed his Legoland medal which he received when he panned for gold. Owen has received his group 3 deep swimming certificate. We sang Happy Birthday to Ellie C and Freddie. House point winners were Duncliffe.. Remember if you have achieved something out of school and would like to bring it in, we will celebrate it! Look on the website for photos.

Put the date in the diary


PTFA Meeting Thursday 7.15pm 28th April 2016

SATs Week – 9th May – 13th May

And Finally……

Dates for Class assemblies were omitted from last weeks edition. They are as follows:-

Summer Term 2016

Friday 1st July 9.10am Chestnuts

Friday 8th July  9.10am Conkers

Friday 15th July 9.10am Acorns

Tuesday 19th July Leavers Assembly (Oaks)