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Newsletter 3

Newsletter 3
May 1, 2015 Sandy Pike

Dear all,
Great excitement again this week when we had more visitors. This time it was a visit from a Fire engine, but don’t panic it wasn’t the school on fire! The Firewise team and Partnership Fire and Security Team came to present the school with a cheque to pay for coaches to the Firewise safety day that Year 5 and 6 will be going to later this term (details to follow). The highlight of the visit was the chance for Key stage one classes to get to see and touch the engine! Follow the link for photos
Celebration assemblies in the first two weeks of term have been a great success. Following on from this we have introduced new assembly themes with a focus on citizenship. This week we have been focusing on respect, in particular respect for others and ourselves. All our children are good at using manners and courtesy but some re-ally do lead the way in this and it is great to reward them!
Enjoy the long weekend and we will see you on Tuesday!
Kind Regards
Martin Marshall
Hall of Fame! Certificate Winners last week.
Congratulations to Alfie, Miranda, Finlay, Peter, Ed, Amelia, Evie, and Daniel from
Conkers who received their silver and gold certificates. James in Acorns who received his silver certificate and Ebony in Oaks who received her silver certificate.

Sporting Excellence!
William, won the Dorset Under 11 County Cup final as part of the Gillingham Town Youth
under 11’s team, and Freddie, who has achieved a level 2 learn to swim award. Well done boys! Click here to see more. We look forward to you bringing in more awards for us to share this week.

Swimming Pool Update
You may have noticed that the pool cover is off and the pumps have started . The ‘pool man’ has been to clean the pool and begin the process of balancing the chemicals. Mr. Covell is hoping that the pool will be up to the correct temperature and ready for action in the next few weeks. With this in mind a few reminders.
When swimming starts your child will need a one piece swimming costume, towel. You may also like to send in goggles (adjusted to fit please) and inflated armbands, if needed. Could you please make sure that all items are clearly named and in a separate kit bag. Thank you.

Are you the next George Ford? Premiership Rugby Academy Camps— Summer Rugby Camps at North Dorset Rugby Club SP8 5SY. July 23rd –24th July 2015. A chance to play rugby and meet Bath Rugby players. For more details please go to

And Finally…..
At Stower Provost School we take safeguarding very seriously and it is really important that we keep all our young learners safe. For this reason we ask that when swimming starts that no photographs to be taken of children in the pool area. Your cooperation in this would be greatly appreciated and I thank you in anticipation of your support.