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Newsletter 7

Newsletter 7
October 23, 2015 Sandy Pike

23rd October 2015

Dear All,
I can’t quite believe it is almost half term already! The last eight weeks have been very busy and the children have worked hard on their learning and are ready for a well earned break. It’s time for yet another thank you. This time it goes to all involved within the school community who have embraced the changes that have been introduced this term. For the fantastic response from all, to appeals made for help, time and energy in new ventures. Whether that be parent readers, helping in the garden, driving to fixtures, volunteering for school visits, attending meetings or communicating your feelings about the way the school moves forward. Your continued involvement in the everyday life of the school is essential to further develop the ethos of ‘Together We Grow’. So what ever role you play in this school, your part is crucial and is what makes this school a great place to be, thank you!
What ever you are doing next week, enjoy it and be safe. We will see you again on Monday 2nd November.

Kind regards
Martin Marshall
Hall of Fame! Certificate Winners last week.
Our stars of the week were; Rebeckia and Ashleigh (Conkers), Florence (Acorns) Summer (Chestnuts) and Jess (Oaks) who have all received certificates for being good friends.
Alfie and Elena (Conkers) won a trophy and certificates at Shaftesbury carnival for first place and third place at Gilling-ham carnival with their float supporting diary farming. Jacob (Conkers) showed a rugby dog that he received for his good behaviour and attitude at rugby training. Ellie (Acorns) and Tristan (Conkers) won fourth and second place in their respective races at the Gold Hill half mile challenge. Noah (Conkers) has successfully completed his stage 4 swimming certificate. Jasper (Conkers) has recently been invested in Beavers. He made a promise in front of the other beavers and leaders.
James, Ollie and Freddie (Chestnuts), Evie and Jacob (Conkers) received belts from Karate. James and Freddie have received their yellow belts, Ollie received his red belt and Evie and Ollie received their white belt with a red strap at their recent grading.
Remember to bring in those achievements from outside of school and be the best you can be! You will all appear on our ‘Wall of Fame’.

Put the dates in the diary –
PTFA Dates—Friday 20th November at 5.50pm is Film Night, as voted for by the children! Cost £2.50.
Orders for Christmas card designs, in by 3rd November please. Friday 4th December is the Christmas Bazaar.

And Finally…..
Recently I had the pleasure to take a team of year 3, 4, 5 and 6 pupils to two local rugby tournaments at Milton on Stour School and North Dorset Rugby Club. They played against other local schools. They came third at Milton which is a fantastic achievement, well done. The school would like to provide the sports teams with new kits that they can be proud to wear. We are applying to the Sturminster Cheese Festival for a grant which will hopefully go towards the cost of one new kit. If you know of any local businesses that may be interested in sponsoring one of the team kits, the school would be really keen to talk to them. Please let us know.
PS We currently only have three football shirts in school. If you have any of the school kit at home from last year, could you kindly return it. Thank you.