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Newsletter 12

Newsletter 12
July 21, 2015 Sandy Pike

16th July

Dear All,

It was brilliant to see you all at sports day last Wednesday, there was a great turn out and a super atmosphere. Thank you to all that came and to all involved in making it happen, in particular Miss Kamath. And well done to the children for making it the event it was, well done to Melbury for winning!

I have some great news to share with you about the school’s performance over the past year. In Conkers Class 78% of our children achieved a ‘Good Level of Development’, well above the National average of 60% and a 9% increase on last year. Well done to all the children and staff in EYFS.

In Year 1 – 78% passed the phonics screening test, again above the National  average of 74% and a 19% increase on last years achievements. Well done to all the children, staff and parents who all had a hand in this and for making sure we made this stringent  standard.

At Year 2 we continue to perform above national averages, with the children achieving level 2 (national  expectation) or above in their SATs; reading 94%; writing 94% and maths 100%. What a fantastic achievement I’m sure you will agree. Well done to all involved with Year 2.

Finally the Year 6 SATs results were as follows;

Level 4 + (national expectation) – Reading 100%, Maths 89%, Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (GPS) 78% and Writing 78%. With 67% level 5 at reading and 78% level 5 at GPS, completely out stripping the national averages. Well done to all involved in these results too.

Of course this is just part of the picture and is only the ‘external’ assessment of the children. It is great that we can celebrate this but I would also like to acknowledge the quality  teaching and learning that goes on in the school every day in all the year groups. So I’d like to say a BIG well done and thank you, to all the staff and pupils, for all that has been achieved this year! There is a great deal to be proud of and I look forward to September when we can continue to build on this and be the best that we can be.

Have a good break and we will see you in September.

Kind regards

Martin Marshall



Hall of Fame! Certificate Winners

Last week

Cameron – Silver certificate. Joe, Roxy, James, Kisna and Alisha – Gold certificates.

Leighton, Ebony, Dainton, Eden, Rosie and Finley were all Stars of the Week.

Florence was recognised for her Gymnastics skills, William Primrose for his efforts in the Swimathon and Kisna for her Karate Kicks!

Well done to all the Year 5s who took part in the Gillingham Family Rounders Tournament last week.

Remember if you have achieved something out of school and would like to bring it in, we will celebrate it! Look on the website for photos.


Put the date in the diary – Tuesday 1st September is a Staff INSET Day and school will start back for your children on Wednesday September 2nd. We look forward to seeing you all then.


Gardening Club

We have been busy harvesting; potatoes, onions, garlic, strawberries and a few early raspberries while the rabbits have enjoyed our lettuces and peas and the leeks have gone to seed but we really like the flower they have formed. The Sweet corn and Tomatoes are doing well.

We didn’t win the Thriving Trolley’s competition held at The Royal Bath & West in May but we had lots of fun being part of it.

A Big Thank you to the parents who came for a morning and helped tidy up the garden, it made all the difference. If this could be done on a regular basis, the garden would always look good. Can you spare an hour a week to keep the weeds at bay, anytime to suit you!  With extra Help! Outside the club time would really Help! Please speak to Mrs Pike in the office.

Have a great summer, let’s hope the days are dry and the nights are wet. Happy Gardening!

Lorna Julius


Bags to School – Your clothing donations raised a whopping £200! So thank you for that.

The PTFA BBQ was a great success and thank you to all involved in that and this raised over £500. So again a huge thank you to all that supported the even.

And Finally…..

As well as wishing our current year 6’s farewell and every success in the future. We must also say good bye to two members of staff. Miss Carbin is leaving us to take up a new position as a full time TA at Warminster School and we thank her for all her hard work this year. Also I’d like to take this opportunity, to thank Miss Kamath, for all her hard work and dedication, inspiring the children at Stower Provost over the last three years. We wish her all the best in her future career at Castle Cary School.