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Conkers activities

  • Celebration assembly 4.5.18

    Our stars of the week this week are Joshua (Conkers), Leo (Acorns), George M (Chestnuts) and Katie L (Oaks) for…

  • Cake sale

    Conker Class have been busy cooking cakes for the cake sale tomorrow. They are hoping to raise money to pay…

  • Forest School

    Conker and Acorn Class had an exciting start to Forest Schools. Each session starts with a health and safety talk…

  • Visit from the dentist 1.5.18

    This morning we were lucky enough to have a visit from a local dentist who talked to us about cleaning…

  • Pre school visit

    Pre school made one of their regular visits and celebrated Easter with us. Everyone made Easter baskets to use on…

  • The importance of trees

    In assembly we found out about the significance of trees in the Easter story. We all received a palm cross…

  • Tennis roadshow with Conkers

    This morning Conkers were treated to a tennis roadshow from Ian.

  • Houses

    Conker Class have been enjoying the story of the Three little pigs. They found out about different houses and were…

  • Hand washing

    Conker Class and Acorn Class learnt why and when it is important to wash your hands.

  • Playtime in the snow!

    During playtime yesterday the pupils enjoyed the snow alongside Mr Stanford and Mrs Lewis. We are not sure who had…